Yin Yoga & Mindfulness Katie Ahern
5th of May 2017 - Friday
7pm - 9pm
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In this workshop we will explore the concept of mindfulness; being aware and awake to what is happening in the now, while cultivating qualities of non-judgement and loving kindness towards our whole experience. Exploring this concept through a series of yin yoga poses; longer held, passive postures. Yin yoga can really challenge you mentally so it is the perfect space to allow for a more meditative approach to the whole practice. Allowing ourselves this 'time out' will help set a tone of restfulness and relaxation, allowing the nervous system to switch from our stress response 'fight or flight' to 'rest and digest'. We tend to be in a constant state of doing and this is the perfect space to nurture our being mode. By creating awareness, it can be a powerful tool to self transformation and to really understanding our patterns and behaviors.
From a physical perspective Yin aims to work on the deeper tissues of our joints, ligaments and deep fascial networks. We achieve this by putting mild stresses on these areas with long held postures, which we approach passively, with a relaxed effort. Most postures are supine and seated and can be held from anything to 3 - 20 minutes. By placing mild stress on the connective tissues mainly around the lower part of the body - lower spine, hips, inner thighs, pelvis, the body will respond by making our tissues stronger and longer.
Yin also works on the myofascial meridian system as its roots lie in Daoist practices which combines ancient traditional acupuncture theory. The meridians or nadis in yoga science are energy lines in the body, if these networks do not function properly causing energy blockages, imbalances arise, which can manifest as disease. When these lines or pathways are open, then energy flows freely, promoting a harmonious balance within the body.
Here is the link to a great article about Yin from a sports perspective http://www.bicycling.com/training/health-injuries/i-tried-it-yin-yoga
Places are limited so booking is essential call or text Katie on 0851996619
To find out more about Katie and her studio visit http://www.corklotusyoga.com