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Adventure Yoga Workshops

Stephen is back to take you on another yoga adventure!

€35 or €90 for all 3
Model Farm Road

Service Description

Saturday 10:00 – 13:00 STRENGTH – Crossing the Line: Twisted Poses Build your support network! Twists help keep your spine supple and strong as well as giving your core an amazing stretch. This workshop will wake up the support network all around your spine so that you can stand tall as you navigate our crazy world. Twisted work naturally leads us into some of the playful twisted arm balances, so come prepared to play with this fun category of poses. This workshop will also help get you ready for the inversions and back bend work we will explore during the weekend. Saturday 15:00 – 18:00 OVERCOMING FEAR – Flip It Good: Inversions See the world from a new angle! We will work on skills to help you improve your inversions — focusing particularly on headstand and handstand. Going upside down won't change the world, but it can help to change your perspective. Seeing things from different perspectives can change the way we think, and transform the impossible into possible. Don't worry if you're new to inversions... there will be options suitable for all levels. Sunday 10:00 – 13:00 COURAGE – Baby Got Back Bends Embrace the adventure of back bends! Metaphorically, back bends help you expose your heart to the world, which can leave you feeling vulnerable and less protected. In this workshop, we will work on building the confidence and courage so you are ready to do your best, open to new possibilities and perspectives — both in back bends and in life.

Contact Details

  • Yoga le Grá, Westside Centre, Model Farm Road, cork, Ireland

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