Yoga, Tai Chi & Qigong
Service Description
I teach a FUSION CLASS of the UNIVERSAL ENERGY ARTS (www.UniversalEnergyArts.com) so we will practice - Infinite TAI Chi, various CHI KUNG (energy raising sequences), various HEALING SOUNDS (YES! Sound's you make yourself to balance the energy of the internal organs and energy centres/chakras!!!), YOGA - especially MERIDIAN STRETCHING & TRACING CHI YOGA to open up the energy channels/meridians (to allow our energy to flow up, down and all around our body unimpeded); Self-nurturing and nourishing techniques to ease your body, mind, emotions and lift your spirit! We'll be Aligning ourselves with the Universe rather than with social media and the relentless drip-feed of newsfeed/music/story/external noise!!! We will tune in to Nature and the Elements to re-connect with ourselves so that we can bring ourselves back into harmony, returning balance to our lives. As we do the practice and raise our energetic vibration it's easier to concentrate and to hold one-pointed focus, or MEDITATION. We will practice moving and non-moving meditations and of course, EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE - RELAXATION Please visit our website http://www.UniversalEnergyArts.com for info of all Pam's classes and our Diploma Certified Teacher Training Workshops and Inner Joy Mini Retreats

Contact Details
Yoga le Grá, Westside Centre, Model Farm Road, cork, Ireland